
GRAFIKA STUDIO menerima pengerjaan Desain Grafis dan Multimedia -- WE PRODUCTS : GRAPHIC DESIGN (Annual Report, Brochure, Banner, Cataloque, Flyer, Invitation, Visiting Card, Cover Design, Post Card, Internal Bulletin, Poster, Calender, Picture Post Card, Souvenir, Flag Line, Neon Box & Neon Sign, Packaging Design, PopUp Stand, Merchandise, Logo & Corporate Identity, Etc). MULTIMEDIA (Animation Screen, Interactive Multimedia, Digital Studio & Video Effect, Video Shooting, Layer Touch Screen, Web Design, Portfolio Interactive, Sound Effect, Etc)


Senin, 10 September 2012

Menampilkan Themes Tersembunyi Windows 7

Displaying Hidden Windows 7 Themes

Selain themes bawaan windows 7, dan theme windows 7 yang tersedia di situs microsoft, ternyata ada themes tersembunyi windows 7. Themes ini ada beberapa macam yang terdiri dari themes australia, canada, great britain, United States, dan ZA. Themes tersebut bisa diaktifkan untuk menjadi koleksi themes yang sudah ada. In addition to the default Windows 7 themes, and theme windows 7 is available on microsoft site, it turns out there is a hidden windows 7 themes. There are several kinds of themes consisting of themes australia, canada, great britain, United States, and ZA. Themes can be switched to be a collection of existing themes.

Untuk mengaktifkan Themes Tersembunyi Windows 7 ikuti langkah berikut : To activate Windows 7 Hidden Themes follow these steps: 

  1. Coba ketik teks berikut di addres bar Windows Explorer %WinDir%\Globalization\MCT kemudian tekan Enter. Try to type the following text in the address bar of Windows Explorer% WinDir% \ Globalization \ MCT and press Enter.
  2. Selanjutnya akan tampil beberapa direktori themes, silahkan anda pilih salah satu direktori themes, setelah itu pilih folder Theme dan klik file yang ada didalamnya untuk mengaktifkannya. Furthermore, we will perform some of the themes directory, please choose one of the themes directory, and then select the Theme folder and click a file in it to activate it.
  3. Setelah itu akan muncul jendela personalize desktop themes, dan dapat dilihat sekarang themes anda sudah terganti menjadi themes yang diaktifkan tadi. After that a window will appear personalize desktop themes, and can be seen now you've replaced themes into themes that are activated earlier.
  4. Anda dapat mengaktifkan semua themes yang ada disitu, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah diatas kembali satu persatu. You can turn on all the themes that were there, please follow the above steps again one by one.

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